We are a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, a leading bancassurance company in France, and have developed recognised skills which rely on the quality of our workforce, on our product range, on innovation and on our ability to anticipate needs. The Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale group managed a total of EUR 235 billion as at 31 December 2020, including assets of Assurances du Crédit Mutuel (ACM), excluding group units of account. With EUR 70.2 billion in AUM and a team of 250 professionals dedicated to managing the assets, Crédit Mutuel Asset Management has been a major player in asset management in France for more than 30 years.
We offer a comprehensive fund range that combines simplicity and transparency, and prioritises the balance between achieving performance, managing risk and ensuring investments are sustainable.

Expertise spread across a number of management units

Fixed income management: pooling our expertise

Conviction-based management focused on fundamental analysis, supported by a structured process and carefully calibrated risk taking to achieve more predictable returns.
The strengths of our fixed income management
  • A diversified range of funds across all asset classes and maturities
  • A structured and disciplined management process with measured risk taking and high-performance investment tools
  • Sophisticated internal management applications
  • A dual control system
  • Recognised expertise that regularly receives awards
  • An experienced team of 15 individuals, composed of a research-analysis unit and managers

Equity management: a centre of excellence

The strengths of our equity management
  • Areas of expertise in terms of sectors, management styles, investment themes and countries
  • Structured around analyst-managers specialising in certain business sectors and theme-based managers
  • A dedicated trading desk enabling managers to focus on “pure” management, i.e. in-depth analysis of stocks and frequent meetings with listed companies
  • A stable and experienced team
  • A solid and thorough management process
  • Expertise that regularly receives awards and is renowned for its reliability

Diversified management, recognised expertise

An offering to optimise the risk/return ratio
  • Renowned expertise in diversified management and fund assembly
  • A rigorous quantitative and qualitative fund selection process
  • Multi-strategy management (absolute performance)
  • Profiled management
  • Flexible management

Quantitative, model-based and innovative management

The quantitative, statistical and mathematical models created by the teams make it possible to offer:
  • Index-linked funds, with the option to incorporate currency hedging
  • Cushion funds managed according to portfolio insurance techniques, which can offer capital guarantees

Unique expertise in SRI management

  • A range of funds designed to allow investors of all kinds to make their savings count
  • Rigorous selection of companies that make up the investment universe
  • Verification of the companies based on socially responsible criteria
  • Internal analysis and analysis by three non-financial agencies that are selected because of their independence, and the quality and diversity of information provided
  • Regular meetings with business leaders, union members and related networks

A pioneer of socially responsible management

For more than 15 years, Crédit Mutuel Asset Management has been dedicating efforts to socially responsible management through the creation of fund ranges, labelling and the incorporation of ESG criteria into its funds. In addition to generating performance, this way of investing is a means of upholding the Group’s values.

Graphique Fincance Responsable

Crédit Mutuel Asset Management has signed up to a number of market initiatives, thereby committing itself to helping to redirect financial flows towards a low-carbon, inclusive economy, in line with the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).