Crédit Mutuel Asset Management publishes a white paper on the challenges of biodiversity. Financial players must take biodiversity into account.

Biodiversity is the diversity of living things. It is essential for humans because of the many free services it provides

  • Supply the food, materials ( biofuels, fibers etc. medicines and water that nature provides us with
  • Regulation pollination, climate regulation and extreme weather events, air quality, pests and the water cycle are all affected by the variety of species and ecosystems on Earth
  • Immaterial physical and psychological experiences, inspiration and learning from nature
  • These different services are vital to society and form the basis of our economic system According to the World Economic Forum, more than half the world’s GDP depends on the proper functioning of nature and is therefore directly threatened by a loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems.

    Today, biodiversity and the services it provides are under threat.

    The financial sector has therefore been identified as a key player in the conservation of biodiversity On the one hand, the sector depends on biodiversity, which provides many services to the activities and businesses it finances At the same time, by adding biodiversity criteria to investment assessments and choices, and by financing biodiversity conservation and restoration measures, financial actors play a major role in mobilising the private sector.
    Given the growing awareness of the issue in society, what challenges face the financial sector and what solutions are available to it? This document sets out the specific risks facing the financial sector due to the economy’s dependence on biodiversity and a general growth in awareness of the issue To mitigate these risks, certain lines of action have been identified integrating biodiversity into the environmental analysis of portfolios and participating in the financing of nature conservation.

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